FlexContainer Specialization Policies
This article describes the flexContainer specialization policies used by the ACME CSE.
For all <flexContainer> specializations, e.g. for oneM2M's TS-0023 ModuleClasses, the attribute policies and the allowed <flexContainer> hierarchy must be provided.
The files for <flexContainer> specializations are also imported from the init and secondary init directory. More than one such file can be provided, for example one per domain. The files must have the extension .fcp
The format is a JSON structure that follows the structure described in the following code.
FlexContainer Specialization Policy Format
The attributePolicies are the same as described in the Attribute Policies article.
// A file contains a list of FlexContainer Specialization Policies
specializationPolicy = [
// Each FlexContainer Specialization Policies is a JSON object
// The specialisation's namespace and short name.
// Mandatory.
"type" : "namespace:shortname",
// The specialisation's long name.
// Optional, and for future developments.
"lname" : "attributePolicyLongname",
// The specialisation's containerDefinition.
// Mandatory for flexContainers, but can be empty to prevent warnings.
"cnd" : "containerDefinition",
// The specialisation's SDT type.
// Could be one of "device", "subdevice", "moduleclass", or "action".
// Optional, and for future developments.
"sdttype" : "SDTcontainerType",
// A list of attribute policies.
// Each entry specifies a single attribute of the specialization.
// Optional.
"attributes": [ attributePolicy, attributePolicy, ... ],
// A list of child resource types. Optional.
"children" : [
// This list consists of one or more strings, each of those is the name of an additional
// child resource specialisation. It is not necessary to specify here the already allowed
// child resource types of <flexContainer>.
The following examples show the attribute policies for the binarySwitch and deviceLight specialisations, both defined in oneM2M's TS-0023 specification.
FlexContainer specialization binarySwitch.fcp
// ModuleClass: binarySwitch (binSh)
"type" : "cod:binSh",
"lname" : "binarySwitch",
"cnd" : "org.onem2m.common.moduleclass.binarySwitch",
"attributes": [
// DataPoint: dataGenerationTime
"sname" : "dgt",
"lname" : "dataGenerationTime",
"type" : "timestamp",
"car" : "01"
// DataPoint: powerState
"sname" : "powSe",
"lname" : "powerState",
"type" : "boolean",
"car" : "1"
// ModuleClass: binarySwitch (binSh)
"type" : "cod:binSh",
"lname" : "binarySwitch",
"cnd" : "org.onem2m.common.moduleclass.binarySwitch",
"attributes": [
// DataPoint: dataGenerationTime
"sname" : "dgt",
"lname" : "dataGenerationTime",
"type" : "timestamp",
"car" : "01"
// DataPoint: powerState
"sname" : "powSe",
"lname" : "powerState", "type" :
"car" : "1"
// DeviceClass: deviceLight
"type" : "cod:devLt",
"lname" : "deviceLight",
"cnd" : "org.onem2m.common.device.deviceLight",
// The allowed child resource types
"children" : [